Halvore Calderleaf

Though born and raised in Kelethin, Halvore is perhaps the most well-traveled of the group. He firmly believes it is the duty of a Ranger to... well... 'range'. He's served in the elven campaigns against the Orcs of Crushbone, fought Kobolds aside the Erudites, even enlisted with the Humans of Qeynos for a time to help patrol the Plains of Karana. Wherever you would find something to hunt, be it some adversary or a lost treasure, chances are you'll run into Halvore sooner or later. His unerring tracking skills have been put to use by most of his friends at one time or another.

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Diary of a Planeswalker is a fantasy comic created and owned by Anya Talisan and Jacob Matthew,
based in the worlds of Norrath and Azeroth, and copyright their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.
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