Arylia Wolfmoon

A Wood Elf druid of unparalleled innocence, Arylia has wizened up to the ways of the world somewhat. She still prefers the simplicity of the natural setting, but grudgingly interacts with the other (arguably) sentient inhabitants of the world around her.

Perennially sick of people begging for ports, beneficial spells, and other things she has to offer, Arylia tends to stick to her own little party for which she'd do anything she can. This includes foraging for various ingredients for whatever tradeskill her friends are up to, and often many quiet hours sitting in remote corners of Norrath watching the sun go down.

Sometimes she recruits Halvore for assistance on these missions just for the sake of some good old-fashioned Fier'dal companionship. When Arylia isn't stuck out in the wilderness, she is off eliminating some form of evil or another with her long-time hunting companion Dartien. And she doesn't even resent him sending her on fetching duty to pick up someone or drop someone else off... most of the time.

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Diary of a Planeswalker is a fantasy comic created and owned by Anya Talisan and Jacob Matthew,
based in the worlds of Norrath and Azeroth, and copyright their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.
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