Dartien Akashan

Darien forms the backbone of his small party. Gifted with a 'sixth sense' about other planes of existence, it was he who gathered up other adventurers dissatisfied with the condition of Norrath and resolved to lead everyone away from it.

Dartien is an Erudite with a penchant for spirituous drinks, something not looked on too fondly by the rest of his people. Many rumors point to this as the cause for his initial 'leave taking' from Erudin. As a Magician, he is very vocal about defending his class from those who think the art of Conjuration has no practical use. A master of the elements, Dartien calls elemental warriors into being to battle while he conjures fire to bring to bear against his enemies. While his skills in battle are truly formidable, he prefers to sit himself down, experimenting with his newest brewing recipes.

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Diary of a Planeswalker is a fantasy comic created and owned by Anya Talisan and Jacob Matthew,
based in the worlds of Norrath and Azeroth, and copyright their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.
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